The Liverpool Family Information & SEND Directory (FISD).
The FISD provides a wealth of information about local services available to children, young people and families across Liverpool.
The Families section contains information about Childcare and links to Childcare providers (Day Nurseries, Childminders, Breakfast and After-School Clubs, Holiday Clubs), as well as information about wider Family and Children’s support services across the city.
Our SEND Local Offer is specifically for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The Start for Life section contains anything and everything a family might need to know from conception until the time their child turns two years old. This includes information on infant feeding, child development, relationships, and much more.
Health Visiting
Health Visitors are Specialist Community Public Health Nurses who have expertise in child health and development, and family and public health. The Health Visiting team includes Health Visitors, Community Health Nurses and Community Nursery Nurses.
Health Visitors work in people’s homes, community health centres, Children’s Centres and GP surgeries supporting parents in the promotion of health and wellbeing of all pre-school aged children across Liverpool. All children receive this service from birth and, in some circumstances, prior to birth.
The Health Visiting Team works in accordance with the Healthy Child Programme, a national programme aimed at promoting optimal health and wellbeing for all children. We also work closely with Midwives, Family Nurse Partnership (FNP), School Nurses, Children’s Centres, GP’s, Social Care and Voluntary services.
School Health Service
The school nursing service is made up of a team of health professionals, committed to promoting emotional health and wellbeing of school age children from 4 to 19 years (25 with SEN), in accordance with our Healthy Child Programme. School nurses are registered nurses who have had experience and specialist training in public health. We seek to strengthen the support available to parents and carers to ensure all children lead safe, healthy lives and grow to healthy adulthood.
School nurses work closely with schools and other professionals. We are committed-to working in partnership as an integrated team with all agencies to achieve the best outcomes for children and young people.